Saturday, May 16, 2020

Innovative Business Technology Solutions 21st Century...

INNOVATIVE BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS 21st century global business models today can offer a variety of differing operating system platforms. a system of operational standard proportions that can allow for stability to the foundation of a corporate culture if properly implemented. if done correctly, it will also gradually become part of an even larger external system. This larger living and breathing system, however, is the environmental surroundings of which the corporate entity has been introduced socially. THE REAL CHALLENGE OF A CORPORATION IS PUTTING FORTH THE EFFORT IN HELPING TO ADDRESS BOTH SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES. DOING ITS PART IS A REAL DETERMINING FACTOR, AND BY FAITHFUL EXECUTING AND FULFILLING THIS RESPONSIBILITY CAN A REALLY MAKE THE DIFFERENCE AS TO WHETHER OR NOT IF A BUSINESS ENTITY IS TRULY SUSTAINABLE, OR NOT. WHAT I BEGAN TO NOTICE AS WITH THIS PARTICULAR BUSINESS MODEL WAS THE ONLINE PRESENCE IT HAD WAS WEAK AND LACKED TRAFFIC FLOW TO THE SITE. THOUGH IT APPEARED TO BE ON A PRETTY GOOD COURSE BUT THERE APPEARED TO BE NO DRIVER. AMONG OTHER OBSERVATIONS I MADE THAT IN ORDER TO SEE THAT THIS IS DONE CORRECTLY, IT MUST BE PROPERLY INSTALLED, ANCHORED, AND ENGAGED AND EXPOSED IN GREATER DETAIL. TO DO THIS, THERE ARE THREE CRITICAL AND MUCH NEEDED ESSENTIALS THAT ARE HIGH PRIORITY TECHNOLOGIES, THESE MUST BE IMMEDIATELY IMPLEMENTED. ONCE THESE TECHNOLOGIES ARE FULLY IMPLEMENTED AND TAKEN PRECEDENCE, WILL BECOME FULLY ENGAGED AND MUST BEShow MoreRelatedEssay Unit 6 Assignment 11591 Words   |  7 Pages Leadership by Innovation Lucretia M. Taylor MBA6006 Leading Innovation in a Global Organization 76 Highland Court West Haven, CT. 06516 Telephone: 203-507-0538 Instructor: Dr. Douglas Buck Leadership by Innovation Delivering and making short-term profits signaled success for leaders. Globalization, economic uncertainty, and rapid advancing technology in the 21st century have set the stage for a new type of leadership. 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